Hoffman Tactical – Super Safety Info
Install Tips
When installing the safety cam, verify location of the safety detent track so it will line up with the safety detent hole in lower receiver. Pictures are below.
As you install the safety cam, place the lever into the open slot on the safety cam with the tip of the lever pointed towards the rear of the receiver (away from the hammer).
Ensure you use a rounded safety detent.
You MUST use a cut trigger according to Hoffman Tactical’s specs.
If you experience heavy trigger pull, the trigger may be slightly out of spec. Remove it and then lightly sand/polish the rounded corner and re-test. Be careful to not remove too much material. You may also utilize 3D-printed GO/NO-GO jigs to verify fitment.
Dry fire testing: Verify semi function and safe function as normal. When placed in the middle position and applying constant pressure to the trigger, cock the hammer with the lever resting against it, pull the trigger, the hammer should drop like normal, re-cock the hammer, pull the lever to the rear, then as you move the lever back against the hammer it will drop again. Any issues with these positions indicates a trigger issue or receiver issue.
This is not compatible with AR-10/LR-308, AR 12GA, AR 22LR, or any platform not using a typical FA M16 BCG.
Modifications (Not Required on All Platforms)
When assembled, if the BCG binds/locks up when pulled to the rear, this typically indicates a clearance issue between the lever, BCG, and/or upper. First, verify the lower is not a high shelf lower (we have a list on our FAQ, but always double check your own part). If it is a low shelf lower, you may either grind the top of the lever until it clears or you may cut the rear of the upper opening back (preferred). This may affect the integrity of the lever, so we don’t recommend that and we will not replace the lever if it fails after that modification.
When first used, if you experience light primer strikes or hammer follow symptoms (typically 1-2 rounds are fired then the trigger is dead), you should replace the buffer with an H2 or H3 buffer. You may also adjust the gas block, if equipped. This resolves the issue in 99% of scenarios and we recommend using a H2 buffer to start.
When used in a PCC, you may need to cut the bolt weight to clear the lever. You may also replace it with a KAK Industry tungsten weight (preferred). It is also strongly recommended to use CMMG upper systems due to the radial delay BCG preventing OOB issues. If you do not use CMMG, ensure you increase total bolt+buffer weight to 23+ oz to avoid OOB issues.
Some manufacturers utilize a “high shelf” receiver or some other block that will interfere with this system’s operation. We recommend avoiding lowers with this design (e.g. Colt, longer list on our FAQ, but always double check your own part), but you may also cut this shelf out of the way with a Dremel if desired. We do not guarantee fitment.
Upper Cut Example
Before Cut
After Cut
Proper Cam and Lever Install
Install cam from left partway, then place lever in opening.
Push cam all the way through, then install detent/grip.